Life can be shaken up by unexpected trials, but the Word of God is a...
Life can be shaken up by unexpected trials, but the Word of God is a rock that we can always rely on. Establish your faith with certainty in 'Founded On ...The Rock' by Derek Prince. This sermon will guide you to stand firm in your faith amid any storm, truly grounded in the Lord's word, grace, and truth.
Related Teachings:
🎬 Sermon Playlist:
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00:00 - Introduction and proclamation
02:15 - Christian life is like the construction of a building
09:48 - Is Peter the Rock of the Church?
15:14 - Four steps to lay Jesus as foundation in your life!
21:03 - Is it possible to know Jesus personally?
23:32 - How does the wise man build on the rock?
37:53 - The Scripture cannot be broken
40:53 - You cannot believe in Jesus and disbelieve the Bible
43:40 - True disciples keep the Word of Jesus
46:48 - You don’t love God more than you love His Word
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Related Teachings:
🎬 Sermon Playlist:
Like and subscribe to equip your faith and transform your world.
00:00 - Introduction and proclamation
02:15 - Christian life is like the construction of a building
09:48 - Is Peter the Rock of the Church?
15:14 - Four steps to lay Jesus as foundation in your life!
21:03 - Is it possible to know Jesus personally?
23:32 - How does the wise man build on the rock?
37:53 - The Scripture cannot be broken
40:53 - You cannot believe in Jesus and disbelieve the Bible
43:40 - True disciples keep the Word of Jesus
46:48 - You don’t love God more than you love His Word
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#DerekPrince, #Sermon, #BiblePreaching, #BibleStudy, #BibleTeaching, #BibleVerses, #BiblicalTruth, #Christianity, #ChristianTeaching, #ChristianLife, #GodsWord, #ChristFollower, #SpiritualGrowth, #Scripture, #WordOfGod
Dive into the power of the 'Authority & Power Of God’s Word' by Derek...
Dive into the power of the 'Authority & Power Of God’s Word' by Derek Prince. This sermon not only highlights the profound impact of the Scripture on our lives, but ...leads you on a personal journey to discover God's own Word. Experience the liberating power of God’s Word, as it cleanses, strengthens, and redeems you in your daily walk with the Lord.
Related Teachings:
🎬 Sermon Playlist:
Like and subscribe to equip your faith and transform your world.
00:00 - Introduction and proclamation
03:44 - Who wrote the Bible?
08:27 - How can we trust the Bible if the people that wrote it were fallible?
11:02 - How did Jesus use Scripture?
25:17 - What is the authority behind the New Testament?
29:55 - The Word of God is living and powerful – The nature of God’s Word
35:38 - Why New Age teaching is obviously false
41:40 - 8 Effects God’s Word can have in your life
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#DerekPrince, #Sermon, #Podcast, #BiblePreaching, #BibleStudy, #BibleTeaching, #BibleVerses, #BiblicalTruth, #Christianity, #ChristianLife, #ChristianTeaching, #GodsWord, #GospelOfJesusChrist, #SpiritualGrowth, #WordOfGod
Related Teachings:
🎬 Sermon Playlist:
Like and subscribe to equip your faith and transform your world.
00:00 - Introduction and proclamation
03:44 - Who wrote the Bible?
08:27 - How can we trust the Bible if the people that wrote it were fallible?
11:02 - How did Jesus use Scripture?
25:17 - What is the authority behind the New Testament?
29:55 - The Word of God is living and powerful – The nature of God’s Word
35:38 - Why New Age teaching is obviously false
41:40 - 8 Effects God’s Word can have in your life
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#DerekPrince, #Sermon, #Podcast, #BiblePreaching, #BibleStudy, #BibleTeaching, #BibleVerses, #BiblicalTruth, #Christianity, #ChristianLife, #ChristianTeaching, #GodsWord, #GospelOfJesusChrist, #SpiritualGrowth, #WordOfGod
Derek Prince Sermons: Through Repentance to Faith: This is an original...
Derek Prince Sermons: Through Repentance to Faith: This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince walks you step by step through this ...essential foundational building process.
Bible Teaching Resources:
This Definition Will Change Your Life
00:00 Introduction, proclamation & recap
05:09 The doctrinal foundation of the Christian faith
10:33 The full meaning of repentance
16:54 What happens when you truly repent?
21:06 Far too little is said today about the need for repentance
28:13 What did Jesus preach about repentance?
37:01 God now commands all men everywhere to repent
45:13 You cannot repent unless God turns you
50:34 What is Biblical faith?
Table of Contents:
I. Introduction
A. Laying the foundation
1. Confrontation
2. Revelation
3. Acknowledgment
4. Confession
B. To build on a foundation, you must hear and do
1. The Bible—the written Word
2. Jesus—the living Word
C. Authority and power of God’s Word
1. Proceeds from Author, Holy Spirit
2. Through the written and spoken Word
D. You cannot love God more than you love His Word
II. The Doctrinal Foundation
A. Six foundation doctrines (Heb. 6: 1–3)
1. Repentance from dead works
2. Faith toward God
3. Doctrine of baptisms
4. Laying on of hands
5. Resurrection of the dead
6. Eternal judgment
B. First, lay the foundation; then go on to build upon it
III. Repentance From Dead Works
A. Dead works
1. All things not done out of faith or obedience
2. Not necessarily sin
B. Repentance:
1. Greek: To change your mind (a decision)
2. Hebrew: To turn back, return (an action)
3. Faith comes after repentance
C. Perfect example: The Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 17–20)
1. He came to himself—a moment of truth
2. He made a decision—changed his mind
3. He turned around—acted it out
D. False repentance: remorse
1. Judas Iscariot: Remorseful but no change or repentance (Matt. 27: 3–5)
2. You can pass the place of repentance
3. Esau despised his birthright (Heb. 12: 14–17)
IV. Repentance Preceded By Faith
A. John the Baptist (Matt. 3: 1–3)
B. Jesus
1. Mark 1: 14–15
2. Luke 24: 46–47
C. Peter (Acts 2: 37–38)
D. Paul
1. All men everywhere (Acts 17: 30)
2. Acts 20: 20–21
E. Universal rebellion requires universal repentance (Is. 53: 6)
V. Repentance Originates With God
A. God starts the turning process
1. Psalm 80: 3, 7, 19
2. Lamentations 5: 21
B. One alternative to repentance: perish (Luke 13: 1–5)
VI. Faith
A. Comes from, relates to, God’s Word (Rom. 10: 17)
Faith comes only through the Word of God
B. Hebrews 11: 1
1. Faith is a substance
2. On that substance is built hope
C. Definitions:
1. Faith: A present substance in the heart (Rom. 10: 10)
2. Hope: A future expectation in the mind (1 Thess. 5: 8). Be an optimist
D. Faith relates to the unseen
1. The unseen reality is the Word of God (Heb. 11: 3)
2. Faith and sight are exclusive of each other (2 Cor. 5: 7)
3. Believe first, then see (John 11: 39–40)
E. Faith is primarily character
1. Faithfulness or loyalty expresses this best
2. Continuing with Jesus (Luke 22: 28), i.e. commitment
3. Faith is a commitment to a person (2 Tim. 1: 12)
F. Faith is secondarily doctrine
It must be confessed (Matt. 10: 32–33; Rom. 10: 10)
G. Confession relates us to Jesus as High Priest
1. Hebrews 3: 1
2. Hebrews 4: 14
3. Hebrews 10: 21–23
H. Faith will be tested
1. James 1: 2–4
2. 1 Peter 1: 6–7
3. We have two options:
a. To side with our senses against Scripture
b. To side with Scripture against our senses
c. Pattern of Abraham (Rom. 4: 16–22)
I. Faith is the only basis for righteous living
1. Romans 1: 17
2. Romans 14: 23
Videos in this Series:
1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment
SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries?
GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World
WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages
CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis
EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached
Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times
RUSSIA Outreach
Bible Teaching Resources:
This Definition Will Change Your Life
00:00 Introduction, proclamation & recap
05:09 The doctrinal foundation of the Christian faith
10:33 The full meaning of repentance
16:54 What happens when you truly repent?
21:06 Far too little is said today about the need for repentance
28:13 What did Jesus preach about repentance?
37:01 God now commands all men everywhere to repent
45:13 You cannot repent unless God turns you
50:34 What is Biblical faith?
Table of Contents:
I. Introduction
A. Laying the foundation
1. Confrontation
2. Revelation
3. Acknowledgment
4. Confession
B. To build on a foundation, you must hear and do
1. The Bible—the written Word
2. Jesus—the living Word
C. Authority and power of God’s Word
1. Proceeds from Author, Holy Spirit
2. Through the written and spoken Word
D. You cannot love God more than you love His Word
II. The Doctrinal Foundation
A. Six foundation doctrines (Heb. 6: 1–3)
1. Repentance from dead works
2. Faith toward God
3. Doctrine of baptisms
4. Laying on of hands
5. Resurrection of the dead
6. Eternal judgment
B. First, lay the foundation; then go on to build upon it
III. Repentance From Dead Works
A. Dead works
1. All things not done out of faith or obedience
2. Not necessarily sin
B. Repentance:
1. Greek: To change your mind (a decision)
2. Hebrew: To turn back, return (an action)
3. Faith comes after repentance
C. Perfect example: The Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 17–20)
1. He came to himself—a moment of truth
2. He made a decision—changed his mind
3. He turned around—acted it out
D. False repentance: remorse
1. Judas Iscariot: Remorseful but no change or repentance (Matt. 27: 3–5)
2. You can pass the place of repentance
3. Esau despised his birthright (Heb. 12: 14–17)
IV. Repentance Preceded By Faith
A. John the Baptist (Matt. 3: 1–3)
B. Jesus
1. Mark 1: 14–15
2. Luke 24: 46–47
C. Peter (Acts 2: 37–38)
D. Paul
1. All men everywhere (Acts 17: 30)
2. Acts 20: 20–21
E. Universal rebellion requires universal repentance (Is. 53: 6)
V. Repentance Originates With God
A. God starts the turning process
1. Psalm 80: 3, 7, 19
2. Lamentations 5: 21
B. One alternative to repentance: perish (Luke 13: 1–5)
VI. Faith
A. Comes from, relates to, God’s Word (Rom. 10: 17)
Faith comes only through the Word of God
B. Hebrews 11: 1
1. Faith is a substance
2. On that substance is built hope
C. Definitions:
1. Faith: A present substance in the heart (Rom. 10: 10)
2. Hope: A future expectation in the mind (1 Thess. 5: 8). Be an optimist
D. Faith relates to the unseen
1. The unseen reality is the Word of God (Heb. 11: 3)
2. Faith and sight are exclusive of each other (2 Cor. 5: 7)
3. Believe first, then see (John 11: 39–40)
E. Faith is primarily character
1. Faithfulness or loyalty expresses this best
2. Continuing with Jesus (Luke 22: 28), i.e. commitment
3. Faith is a commitment to a person (2 Tim. 1: 12)
F. Faith is secondarily doctrine
It must be confessed (Matt. 10: 32–33; Rom. 10: 10)
G. Confession relates us to Jesus as High Priest
1. Hebrews 3: 1
2. Hebrews 4: 14
3. Hebrews 10: 21–23
H. Faith will be tested
1. James 1: 2–4
2. 1 Peter 1: 6–7
3. We have two options:
a. To side with our senses against Scripture
b. To side with Scripture against our senses
c. Pattern of Abraham (Rom. 4: 16–22)
I. Faith is the only basis for righteous living
1. Romans 1: 17
2. Romans 14: 23
Videos in this Series:
1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment
SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries?
GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World
WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages
CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis
EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached
Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times
RUSSIA Outreach
Derek Prince Sermons: Faith and Works. This is an original Bible Study,...
Derek Prince Sermons: Faith and Works. This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince.
In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince walks you step by step through this essential ...foundational building process.
Bible Teaching Resources:
Why Is it So Difficult to Obey God? - The Unknown Truth About Faith & Works
00:00 Introduction & proclamation
01:32 Stop trying to earn God’s grace and favor
07:06 Get faith and works in the right order!
12:04 Christianity is not a set of rules
20:03 God’s law and grace are mutually exclusive
27:38 The essence of sin we all struggle with
40:59 Christ’s death put an end to the law as a means of righteousness
52:50 All the law is fulfilled in one word…
Table of Contents:
I. Factual Content Of The Gospel
A. 1 Cor. 15: 1–5; Rom. 4: 22–25
1. Jesus delivered to death on account of our sins
2. Jesus was buried
3. God raised Jesus on the third day
4. We are reckoned righteous by believing these facts
B. Primary attestation: the Old Testament Scriptures
C. Secondary attestation: testimony of human witnesses
II. Imputation Of Righteousness
A. Received by faith, without works
1. Romans 4: 5
2. Ephesians 2: 8–10
B. But living faith produces appropriate works (James 2: 24, 26)
1. Grace is received without earning it
2. Works is what we do
C. Relationship between faith and works
1. We are not required to keep the law of Moses—or any other law. Christianity
is not a set of laws.
a. No justification by keeping law (Rom. 3: 20)
b. Law and grace are exclusive (Rom. 6: 14)
c. The law stirs up sin (Rom. 7: 4–6)
d. Law cannot bring righteousness (Rom. 10: 4)
2. To turn back to law is serious error
a. The Galatian Christians were bewitched: the cross and its work was
obscured to them (Gal. 3: 1–3)
b. This brings a curse (Gal. 3: 10)
c. Confirmed in Old Testament (Jer. 17: 5)
3. Law works from without, leaving us to our own ability
4. Grace works from within, supplying supernatural ability
5. “Be holy” (Lev. 11: 44; 1 Pet. 1: 16)
a. Law says, “I must keep all these rules”
b. Grace says, “Jesus in me lives out His holiness through me” (1 Cor. 1: 30; Heb. 12:10)
III. The Righteous Requirement Of The Law
A. Only through the supernatural (Rom. 8: 3–4)
B. Love
1. All law has two objectives: (Matt. 22: 35–40)
a. Love for God
b. Love for neighbor
2. Love is the fulfillment of the law (Rom. 13: 8–10)
3. Faith must work through love (Gal. 5: 6)
4. The goal of all teaching is love (1 Tim. 1: 5)
C. Love motivates us to obedience (John 14: 15, 23)
D. More effective than fear (1 John 4: 18)
E. Obedience of love is progressive (Phil. 1: 9–11)
F. Meanwhile, faith is reckoned as righteousness (Rom. 4: 23–24)
Videos in this Series:
1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment
SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries?
GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World
WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages
CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis
EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached
Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times
RUSSIA Outreach
MIDDLE EAST: Equipping Local Pastors
EAST AFRICA: Reaching the Unreached
SOUTH EAST ASIA: Asia Outreach
In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince walks you step by step through this essential ...foundational building process.
Bible Teaching Resources:
Why Is it So Difficult to Obey God? - The Unknown Truth About Faith & Works
00:00 Introduction & proclamation
01:32 Stop trying to earn God’s grace and favor
07:06 Get faith and works in the right order!
12:04 Christianity is not a set of rules
20:03 God’s law and grace are mutually exclusive
27:38 The essence of sin we all struggle with
40:59 Christ’s death put an end to the law as a means of righteousness
52:50 All the law is fulfilled in one word…
Table of Contents:
I. Factual Content Of The Gospel
A. 1 Cor. 15: 1–5; Rom. 4: 22–25
1. Jesus delivered to death on account of our sins
2. Jesus was buried
3. God raised Jesus on the third day
4. We are reckoned righteous by believing these facts
B. Primary attestation: the Old Testament Scriptures
C. Secondary attestation: testimony of human witnesses
II. Imputation Of Righteousness
A. Received by faith, without works
1. Romans 4: 5
2. Ephesians 2: 8–10
B. But living faith produces appropriate works (James 2: 24, 26)
1. Grace is received without earning it
2. Works is what we do
C. Relationship between faith and works
1. We are not required to keep the law of Moses—or any other law. Christianity
is not a set of laws.
a. No justification by keeping law (Rom. 3: 20)
b. Law and grace are exclusive (Rom. 6: 14)
c. The law stirs up sin (Rom. 7: 4–6)
d. Law cannot bring righteousness (Rom. 10: 4)
2. To turn back to law is serious error
a. The Galatian Christians were bewitched: the cross and its work was
obscured to them (Gal. 3: 1–3)
b. This brings a curse (Gal. 3: 10)
c. Confirmed in Old Testament (Jer. 17: 5)
3. Law works from without, leaving us to our own ability
4. Grace works from within, supplying supernatural ability
5. “Be holy” (Lev. 11: 44; 1 Pet. 1: 16)
a. Law says, “I must keep all these rules”
b. Grace says, “Jesus in me lives out His holiness through me” (1 Cor. 1: 30; Heb. 12:10)
III. The Righteous Requirement Of The Law
A. Only through the supernatural (Rom. 8: 3–4)
B. Love
1. All law has two objectives: (Matt. 22: 35–40)
a. Love for God
b. Love for neighbor
2. Love is the fulfillment of the law (Rom. 13: 8–10)
3. Faith must work through love (Gal. 5: 6)
4. The goal of all teaching is love (1 Tim. 1: 5)
C. Love motivates us to obedience (John 14: 15, 23)
D. More effective than fear (1 John 4: 18)
E. Obedience of love is progressive (Phil. 1: 9–11)
F. Meanwhile, faith is reckoned as righteousness (Rom. 4: 23–24)
Videos in this Series:
1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment
SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries?
GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World
WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages
CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis
EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached
Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times
RUSSIA Outreach
MIDDLE EAST: Equipping Local Pastors
EAST AFRICA: Reaching the Unreached
SOUTH EAST ASIA: Asia Outreach
Derek Prince Sermons: Immersion in Water - This is an original Bible...
Derek Prince Sermons: Immersion in Water - This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince walks you step by step through this ...essential foundational building process.
Bible Teaching Resources:
00:00 Introduction & proclamation
03:18 The correct meaning of the word ‘baptism’
07:18 What was the ministry of John the Baptist?
12:50 The 3 Requirements of John’s Baptism
20:36 After Pentecost Johns Baptism Was No Longer Valid
25:09 Why Was Jesus Baptized?
33:12 Baptism Is Your Death Sentence
36:55 The requirements for Christian baptism
43:37 Why wait to get baptized?
52:25 The spiritual significance of baptism
01:05:12 Closing prayer
Table of Contents:
I. Doctrine Of Baptisms
A. Hebrews 6: 2
B. Three different baptisms in the New Testament
1. John’s baptism
2. Christian baptism
3. Holy Spirit baptism
C. To baptize:
1. Immerse: Fully cover with water
a. Put something down into water
b. Pour water over from above
2. Baptize “in” or “into”
a. “In” refers to element in which you are baptized
b. “Into” refers to result that is produced
II. John’s Baptism
A. Mark 1: 2–5
1. To prepare Israel for the Messiah
a. Messiah could not come until they were prepared
b. Messiah will not come again until we are prepared
2. Dispensational link from law to grace
B. Three main requirements:
1. Repentance
a. A decision
b. An action
2. Public confession of sins
3. Evidence of a changed life (Matt. 3: 7–8)
C. Limitations:
1. Did not produce new birth (Matt. 11: 11)
2. After Pentecost, not a substitute for Christian baptism (Acts 19: 1–5)
III. Christian Baptism
A. Pattern of how to fulfill all righteousness: Jesus (Matt. 3: 13–17)
1. Baptism has the approval of all 3 members of the Godhead
2. Acquitted, reckoned righteous and made righteous: justified (Rom. 5: 1)
B. A commitment to life and death
1. Pattern of Jesus (Luke 12: 50)
2. Your life does not belong to you after baptism
C. Requirements for Christian baptism
1. Hear the gospel (Matt. 28: 19–20)
a. Jesus died
b. Jesus was buried
c. Jesus rose again
2. Repentance (Acts 2: 38)
3. Faith/belief (Mark 16: 15–16)
4. A good conscience toward God (1 Peter 3: 21)
D. Teaching for baptism does not take long
1. Pentecost: 3,000 baptized that day (Acts 2: 41)
2. Ethiopian eunuch: A few hours (Acts 8: 36)—the “preaching of Jesus”
included baptism
3. The household of Cornelius: The same day (Acts 10: 48)
4. The Philippian jailer: before dawn came (Acts 16: 33)
E. Spiritual significance
1. Identification with Jesus in: (Rom. 6: 3–11)
a. His death
b. His burial
c. His resurrection
2. When we are baptized we die, we are buried and we are resurrected
3. Dead to sin, but alive to Christ (Col. 2: 11–12)
F. Related facts
1. Baptized into Christ, not a church or a denomination (Gal. 3: 27)
2. Effective only through faith (Col. 2: 12)
3. New life empowered by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 1: 4)
4. No one in New Testament was saved without being baptized (Mark 16: 16)
G. Old Testament picture of baptism: Noah’s Ark (1 Peter 3: 20–21)
1. Ark = Jesus Christ
2. Flood = Baptism in water
3. Out of the flood = New life
SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries?
GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World
WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages
CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis
EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached
Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times
RUSSIA Outreach
MIDDLE EAST: Equipping Local Pastors
EAST AFRICA: Reaching the Unreached
SOUTH EAST ASIA: Asia Outreach
Videos in this Series:
1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment
Bible Teaching Resources:
00:00 Introduction & proclamation
03:18 The correct meaning of the word ‘baptism’
07:18 What was the ministry of John the Baptist?
12:50 The 3 Requirements of John’s Baptism
20:36 After Pentecost Johns Baptism Was No Longer Valid
25:09 Why Was Jesus Baptized?
33:12 Baptism Is Your Death Sentence
36:55 The requirements for Christian baptism
43:37 Why wait to get baptized?
52:25 The spiritual significance of baptism
01:05:12 Closing prayer
Table of Contents:
I. Doctrine Of Baptisms
A. Hebrews 6: 2
B. Three different baptisms in the New Testament
1. John’s baptism
2. Christian baptism
3. Holy Spirit baptism
C. To baptize:
1. Immerse: Fully cover with water
a. Put something down into water
b. Pour water over from above
2. Baptize “in” or “into”
a. “In” refers to element in which you are baptized
b. “Into” refers to result that is produced
II. John’s Baptism
A. Mark 1: 2–5
1. To prepare Israel for the Messiah
a. Messiah could not come until they were prepared
b. Messiah will not come again until we are prepared
2. Dispensational link from law to grace
B. Three main requirements:
1. Repentance
a. A decision
b. An action
2. Public confession of sins
3. Evidence of a changed life (Matt. 3: 7–8)
C. Limitations:
1. Did not produce new birth (Matt. 11: 11)
2. After Pentecost, not a substitute for Christian baptism (Acts 19: 1–5)
III. Christian Baptism
A. Pattern of how to fulfill all righteousness: Jesus (Matt. 3: 13–17)
1. Baptism has the approval of all 3 members of the Godhead
2. Acquitted, reckoned righteous and made righteous: justified (Rom. 5: 1)
B. A commitment to life and death
1. Pattern of Jesus (Luke 12: 50)
2. Your life does not belong to you after baptism
C. Requirements for Christian baptism
1. Hear the gospel (Matt. 28: 19–20)
a. Jesus died
b. Jesus was buried
c. Jesus rose again
2. Repentance (Acts 2: 38)
3. Faith/belief (Mark 16: 15–16)
4. A good conscience toward God (1 Peter 3: 21)
D. Teaching for baptism does not take long
1. Pentecost: 3,000 baptized that day (Acts 2: 41)
2. Ethiopian eunuch: A few hours (Acts 8: 36)—the “preaching of Jesus”
included baptism
3. The household of Cornelius: The same day (Acts 10: 48)
4. The Philippian jailer: before dawn came (Acts 16: 33)
E. Spiritual significance
1. Identification with Jesus in: (Rom. 6: 3–11)
a. His death
b. His burial
c. His resurrection
2. When we are baptized we die, we are buried and we are resurrected
3. Dead to sin, but alive to Christ (Col. 2: 11–12)
F. Related facts
1. Baptized into Christ, not a church or a denomination (Gal. 3: 27)
2. Effective only through faith (Col. 2: 12)
3. New life empowered by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 1: 4)
4. No one in New Testament was saved without being baptized (Mark 16: 16)
G. Old Testament picture of baptism: Noah’s Ark (1 Peter 3: 20–21)
1. Ark = Jesus Christ
2. Flood = Baptism in water
3. Out of the flood = New life
SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries?
GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World
WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages
CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis
EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached
Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times
RUSSIA Outreach
MIDDLE EAST: Equipping Local Pastors
EAST AFRICA: Reaching the Unreached
SOUTH EAST ASIA: Asia Outreach
Videos in this Series:
1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment
Derek Prince Sermons: Immersion in the Spirit. This is an original...
Derek Prince Sermons: Immersion in the Spirit. This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince walks you step by step through this ...essential foundational building process.
Bible Teaching Resources:
Seven Requirements For Receiving
00:00 Introduction & proclamation
02:16 Who Baptizes In The Holy Spirit?
06:26 Three Successive Phases of Baptism in the Spirit
10:52 The Holy Spirit Is Your Down Payment
15:29 How to know if you are baptized in the Holy Spirit?
24:32 Is a Biblical church excited or dignified?
28:59 How the baptism in the Holy Spirit is administered
39:26 The baptism in the Holy Spirit is to bring unity
47:10 Physical manifestations of the Spirit
53:57 Requirements for receiving the Holy Spirit
56:07 Receive the Spirit
Table of Contents:
I. Holy Spirit Promised Before Pentecost
A. In all four Gospels
1. Matthew 3: 11
2. Mark 1: 8
3. Luke 3: 16
4. John 1: 33
a. Lamb of God
b. Son of God
c. The One who baptizes with the Holy Spirit
5. Promise renewed by Jesus (Acts 1: 4–5)
B. Fulfilled at Pentecost (Acts 2:1–4). In three phases:
1. Baptism: Immersion from above
2. Filled: each one, individually
3. Supernatural outflow: Speaking in other tongues (Matt. 12: 34b)
a. Your heart is full when it overflows
b. The Holy Spirit overflows in speech
C. Described as a seal (2 Cor. 1: 22; Eph. 1: 14)
1. It marks you out as His possession
2. The Holy Spirit is a deposit on God’s purchase of you
a. The seal the apostles received (Acts 2: 4)
b. The seal which they accepted in others
c. They never asked for any other seal
d. The New Testament offers no other seal
D. Demonstrated in the house of Cornelius (Acts 10: 46, 11: 15)
II. A Distinct Experience From Salvation
A. The Samaritans (Acts 8: 12–17)
B. The conversion of Saul (Acts 9: 17–18)
C. Disciples at Ephesus (Acts 19: 1–6; compare Eph. 1: 13)
D. Two ways to receive:
1. Direct from God (Acts 2: 1–4, 10: 44–47)
2. Laying on of hands (Acts 8: 14–19, 9: 17, 19: 6)
III. Purposes Of The Baptism
A. To receive supernatural power from God (Acts 1: 8)
1. For witness and service
a. Romans 15: 18–19
b. 1 Cor. 2: 1–5
c. Hebrews 2: 3–4
2. To make unity of the body effective (1 Cor. 12: 12–14)
B. May be accompanied by strong emotional and physical reactions
1. Abraham (Gen. 17: 1–3)
2. Israel (Lev. 9: 24)
3. Joshua (Josh. 5: 14)
4. Priests (2 Chron. 5: 12–14)
5. Jeremiah (Jer. 20: 9, 23: 9)
6. Apostles (Acts 2: 13)
7. John the apostle (Rev. 1: 17)
8. The human body is the Spirit’s temple (1 Cor. 6: 19)
9. The decisive member is the tongue (James 3: 4–8)
10. Designed to glorify God (Psalm 16: 9; Acts 2: 26)
IV. Seven Requirements For Receiving
A. Repent (Acts 2: 38)
B. Be baptized (Acts 2: 38)
C. Thirst (John 7: 37–38)
D. Come to Jesus (John 7: 37–38)
E. Ask (Luke 11: 13)
F. Receive/drink (Acts 8: 14–15; John 7: 37)
G. Yield/offer your members/organs of speech (Rom. 6: 13)
SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries?
GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World
WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages
CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis
EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached
Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times
RUSSIA Outreach
MIDDLE EAST: Equipping Local Pastors
EAST AFRICA: Reaching the Unreached
SOUTH EAST ASIA: Asia Outreach
Videos in this Series:
1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment
Bible Teaching Resources:
Seven Requirements For Receiving
00:00 Introduction & proclamation
02:16 Who Baptizes In The Holy Spirit?
06:26 Three Successive Phases of Baptism in the Spirit
10:52 The Holy Spirit Is Your Down Payment
15:29 How to know if you are baptized in the Holy Spirit?
24:32 Is a Biblical church excited or dignified?
28:59 How the baptism in the Holy Spirit is administered
39:26 The baptism in the Holy Spirit is to bring unity
47:10 Physical manifestations of the Spirit
53:57 Requirements for receiving the Holy Spirit
56:07 Receive the Spirit
Table of Contents:
I. Holy Spirit Promised Before Pentecost
A. In all four Gospels
1. Matthew 3: 11
2. Mark 1: 8
3. Luke 3: 16
4. John 1: 33
a. Lamb of God
b. Son of God
c. The One who baptizes with the Holy Spirit
5. Promise renewed by Jesus (Acts 1: 4–5)
B. Fulfilled at Pentecost (Acts 2:1–4). In three phases:
1. Baptism: Immersion from above
2. Filled: each one, individually
3. Supernatural outflow: Speaking in other tongues (Matt. 12: 34b)
a. Your heart is full when it overflows
b. The Holy Spirit overflows in speech
C. Described as a seal (2 Cor. 1: 22; Eph. 1: 14)
1. It marks you out as His possession
2. The Holy Spirit is a deposit on God’s purchase of you
a. The seal the apostles received (Acts 2: 4)
b. The seal which they accepted in others
c. They never asked for any other seal
d. The New Testament offers no other seal
D. Demonstrated in the house of Cornelius (Acts 10: 46, 11: 15)
II. A Distinct Experience From Salvation
A. The Samaritans (Acts 8: 12–17)
B. The conversion of Saul (Acts 9: 17–18)
C. Disciples at Ephesus (Acts 19: 1–6; compare Eph. 1: 13)
D. Two ways to receive:
1. Direct from God (Acts 2: 1–4, 10: 44–47)
2. Laying on of hands (Acts 8: 14–19, 9: 17, 19: 6)
III. Purposes Of The Baptism
A. To receive supernatural power from God (Acts 1: 8)
1. For witness and service
a. Romans 15: 18–19
b. 1 Cor. 2: 1–5
c. Hebrews 2: 3–4
2. To make unity of the body effective (1 Cor. 12: 12–14)
B. May be accompanied by strong emotional and physical reactions
1. Abraham (Gen. 17: 1–3)
2. Israel (Lev. 9: 24)
3. Joshua (Josh. 5: 14)
4. Priests (2 Chron. 5: 12–14)
5. Jeremiah (Jer. 20: 9, 23: 9)
6. Apostles (Acts 2: 13)
7. John the apostle (Rev. 1: 17)
8. The human body is the Spirit’s temple (1 Cor. 6: 19)
9. The decisive member is the tongue (James 3: 4–8)
10. Designed to glorify God (Psalm 16: 9; Acts 2: 26)
IV. Seven Requirements For Receiving
A. Repent (Acts 2: 38)
B. Be baptized (Acts 2: 38)
C. Thirst (John 7: 37–38)
D. Come to Jesus (John 7: 37–38)
E. Ask (Luke 11: 13)
F. Receive/drink (Acts 8: 14–15; John 7: 37)
G. Yield/offer your members/organs of speech (Rom. 6: 13)
SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries?
GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World
WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages
CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis
EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached
Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times
RUSSIA Outreach
MIDDLE EAST: Equipping Local Pastors
EAST AFRICA: Reaching the Unreached
SOUTH EAST ASIA: Asia Outreach
Videos in this Series:
1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment
Derek Prince Sermons: Transmitting God's Power - This is an original...
Derek Prince Sermons: Transmitting God's Power - This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince walks you step by step through this ...essential foundational building process.
Bible Teaching Resources:
00:00 Introduction & proclamation
01:49 What's The Purpose Of Laying Hands On People?
08:14 Examples of laying on of hands in the Old Testament
22:01 Why you should be part of a Christian congregation
25:37 How Can We Impart The Spirit Of God?
31:01 How To Commission Servants Of The Church
35:34 Sending Out Apostles
41:40 Don’t Hastily Appoint An Elder
46:38 How Did Timothy Become An Apostle?
56:46 Dangers & safeguards of laying on of hands
Table of Contents:
I. Laying On of Hands (Hebrews 6: 2)
A. Ensures continuity of life and leadership of God’s people
B. Spiritual purposes added to common human practice
1. To transmit: blessings, authority, wisdom, the Holy Spirit, a spiritual gift or ministry
2. To commission:
a. Recognize: not appoint, but recognize God’s choice
b. Set apart: to a certain task/ministry
c. Endorse: give authority
d. Equip: transmission of spiritual authority
II. Examples From Old Testament
A. Jacob laid hands on the sons of Joseph (Gen. 48: 8–19)
1. Imparted a blessing
2. Determined their destiny
B. Moses laid hands on Joshua (Num. 27: 18–23; Deut. 34: 9)
1. Set apart
2. Endorsed
3. Equipped
C. Elisha laid hands on king Joash (2 Kings 13: 14–17)
1. Endorsed
2. Imparted supernatural spiritual authority
III. Purposes Indicated In New Testament
A. To impart healing to the sick
1. To the unsaved (Mark 16: 17–18; Luke 4: 40–41)
2. For church members, accompanied by anointing with oil (James 5: 14–15)
B. To impart (the gift of) the Holy Spirit
1. The Samaritans (Acts 8: 14–20)
2. Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9: 17–18)
3. Disciples of Ephesus (Acts 19: 1–6)
C. To commission church servants/deacons (Acts 6: 1–7)
1. Transmit authority
2. Set apart, endorse, equip
D. To send out apostles (Acts 13: 1–4, 14: 26–27)
1. Transmit authority
2. Set apart, endorse, equip
E. To appoint elders (Acts 14: 23; 1 Tim. 5: 17–22; Titus 1: 5)
1. Transmit authority
2. Set apart, endorse, equip
F. To impart a spiritual gift (charisma)
1. Romans 1: 11–12
2. 2 Timothy 1: 6
G. By extension, to similar situations
IV. Apostleship Of Timothy (1 Thess. 1: 1, 2: 6)
A. Chosen by Paul, endorsed by local elders (Acts 16: 1–3)
B. Paul and elders lay hands on him
1. 1 Timothy 4: 14
2. 2 Timothy 1: 6
C. Accompanied by prophecy (1 Tim. 4: 14)
D. Effect on Timothy’s life (1 Tim. 1: 18)
V. Dangers And Safeguards
A. Dangers (1 Tim. 5: 22)
1. Endorsing someone unfit or unworthy
2. Spiritual “contamination”
B. Safeguards
1. With prayer and humility
2. Be directed by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8: 14)
3. Be protected by the blood of Jesus (Heb. 13: 12)
4. Empowered against evil forces (Luke 10: 19)
SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries?
GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World
WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages
CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis
EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached
Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times
RUSSIA Outreach
MIDDLE EAST: Equipping Local Pastors
EAST AFRICA: Reaching the Unreached
SOUTH EAST ASIA: Asia Outreach
Videos in this Series:
1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment
Bible Teaching Resources:
00:00 Introduction & proclamation
01:49 What's The Purpose Of Laying Hands On People?
08:14 Examples of laying on of hands in the Old Testament
22:01 Why you should be part of a Christian congregation
25:37 How Can We Impart The Spirit Of God?
31:01 How To Commission Servants Of The Church
35:34 Sending Out Apostles
41:40 Don’t Hastily Appoint An Elder
46:38 How Did Timothy Become An Apostle?
56:46 Dangers & safeguards of laying on of hands
Table of Contents:
I. Laying On of Hands (Hebrews 6: 2)
A. Ensures continuity of life and leadership of God’s people
B. Spiritual purposes added to common human practice
1. To transmit: blessings, authority, wisdom, the Holy Spirit, a spiritual gift or ministry
2. To commission:
a. Recognize: not appoint, but recognize God’s choice
b. Set apart: to a certain task/ministry
c. Endorse: give authority
d. Equip: transmission of spiritual authority
II. Examples From Old Testament
A. Jacob laid hands on the sons of Joseph (Gen. 48: 8–19)
1. Imparted a blessing
2. Determined their destiny
B. Moses laid hands on Joshua (Num. 27: 18–23; Deut. 34: 9)
1. Set apart
2. Endorsed
3. Equipped
C. Elisha laid hands on king Joash (2 Kings 13: 14–17)
1. Endorsed
2. Imparted supernatural spiritual authority
III. Purposes Indicated In New Testament
A. To impart healing to the sick
1. To the unsaved (Mark 16: 17–18; Luke 4: 40–41)
2. For church members, accompanied by anointing with oil (James 5: 14–15)
B. To impart (the gift of) the Holy Spirit
1. The Samaritans (Acts 8: 14–20)
2. Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9: 17–18)
3. Disciples of Ephesus (Acts 19: 1–6)
C. To commission church servants/deacons (Acts 6: 1–7)
1. Transmit authority
2. Set apart, endorse, equip
D. To send out apostles (Acts 13: 1–4, 14: 26–27)
1. Transmit authority
2. Set apart, endorse, equip
E. To appoint elders (Acts 14: 23; 1 Tim. 5: 17–22; Titus 1: 5)
1. Transmit authority
2. Set apart, endorse, equip
F. To impart a spiritual gift (charisma)
1. Romans 1: 11–12
2. 2 Timothy 1: 6
G. By extension, to similar situations
IV. Apostleship Of Timothy (1 Thess. 1: 1, 2: 6)
A. Chosen by Paul, endorsed by local elders (Acts 16: 1–3)
B. Paul and elders lay hands on him
1. 1 Timothy 4: 14
2. 2 Timothy 1: 6
C. Accompanied by prophecy (1 Tim. 4: 14)
D. Effect on Timothy’s life (1 Tim. 1: 18)
V. Dangers And Safeguards
A. Dangers (1 Tim. 5: 22)
1. Endorsing someone unfit or unworthy
2. Spiritual “contamination”
B. Safeguards
1. With prayer and humility
2. Be directed by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8: 14)
3. Be protected by the blood of Jesus (Heb. 13: 12)
4. Empowered against evil forces (Luke 10: 19)
SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries?
GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World
WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages
CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis
EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached
Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times
RUSSIA Outreach
MIDDLE EAST: Equipping Local Pastors
EAST AFRICA: Reaching the Unreached
SOUTH EAST ASIA: Asia Outreach
Videos in this Series:
1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment
Derek Prince Sermons: At the End of Time - This is an original Bible...
Derek Prince Sermons: At the End of Time - This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince walks you step by step ...through this essential foundational building process.
Bible Teaching Resources:
00:00 Introduction & proclamation
01:42 Do you live in this world or in the next?
12:41 Why we really need Biblical prophecy
19:26 What will happen when this age ends?
31:33 What will happen when the rapture comes?
36:34 We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ
39:21 The overthrow of the antichrist
47:07 Israel will play a central role in the end times
50:50 What happens when God's Kingdom comes?
Table of Contents:
I. A New Order
A. Out of time; into eternity
B. Ultimate reality is spiritual and eternal (2 Cor. 4: 17–18)
1. Visible – physical – temporary
2. Invisible – spiritual – eternal
C. This present world order is not our home
1. Hebrews 13: 14
2. 1 Corinthians 15: 19
D. The importance of biblical prophecy (2 Pet. 1: 16–19)
1. Prophetic word is the light in a dark place
2. Prophetic word offers the sure conviction that Christ is coming again
3. Prophecy originates with God, not man (v. 20–21)
4. All Old Testament prophecy concerning Jesus was fulfilled literally, not allegorically
II. General Trend At The Close Of The Age
A. Righteousness and wickedness mature simultaneously
1. Isaiah 60: 1–3
2. Parable of the Tares: tares and wheat grow together until the harvest (Matt. 13: 37–43)
3. Revelation 22: 10–12
B. Tribulation before the return of Jesus
1. Matthew 24: 21–22, 29–31
2. Corruption is irreversible
C. Comfort for Christians (Luke 21: 25–28)
D. Church to complete her task—preaching the gospel (Matt. 24: 8–14)
III. Events Following The Return Of Jesus
A. Resurrection and judgment of true Christians
1. The rapture (1 Thess. 4: 15–17)
2. Judgment of Christians (2 Cor. 5: 10)
B. Overthrow of antichrist and his forces (Rev. 19: 19–21)
C. Satan bound for 1,000 years (Rev. 20: 1–3)
D. Salvation and restoration of Israel (Rom. 11: 25–26)
E. Judgment of the Gentile nations, at the beginning of the millennium, based on their
treatment of the Jewish people
1. Joel 3: 1–2
2. Matt. 25: 31–46
F. Establishment of Christ’s millennial kingdom
1. Isaiah 24: 19–23
2. Revelation 20: 4
G. Satan briefly released at the end of the millennium (Rev. 20: 7–10)
H. Final rebellion of nations (Rev. 20: 8–9)
I. Present heaven and earth pass away
1. 2 Peter 3: 7–13
2. Revelation 21: 1
J. Resurrection and judgment of all remaining dead (Rev. 20: 12–15)
K. A new heaven and earth
1. 2 Peter 3: 13
2. Revelation 21: 1
L. Jesus hands over kingdom to the Father (1 Cor. 15: 22–28)
SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries?
GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World
WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages
CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis
EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached
Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times
RUSSIA Outreach
MIDDLE EAST: Equipping Local Pastors
EAST AFRICA: Reaching the Unreached
SOUTH EAST ASIA: Asia Outreach
Videos in this Series:
1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment
Bible Teaching Resources:
00:00 Introduction & proclamation
01:42 Do you live in this world or in the next?
12:41 Why we really need Biblical prophecy
19:26 What will happen when this age ends?
31:33 What will happen when the rapture comes?
36:34 We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ
39:21 The overthrow of the antichrist
47:07 Israel will play a central role in the end times
50:50 What happens when God's Kingdom comes?
Table of Contents:
I. A New Order
A. Out of time; into eternity
B. Ultimate reality is spiritual and eternal (2 Cor. 4: 17–18)
1. Visible – physical – temporary
2. Invisible – spiritual – eternal
C. This present world order is not our home
1. Hebrews 13: 14
2. 1 Corinthians 15: 19
D. The importance of biblical prophecy (2 Pet. 1: 16–19)
1. Prophetic word is the light in a dark place
2. Prophetic word offers the sure conviction that Christ is coming again
3. Prophecy originates with God, not man (v. 20–21)
4. All Old Testament prophecy concerning Jesus was fulfilled literally, not allegorically
II. General Trend At The Close Of The Age
A. Righteousness and wickedness mature simultaneously
1. Isaiah 60: 1–3
2. Parable of the Tares: tares and wheat grow together until the harvest (Matt. 13: 37–43)
3. Revelation 22: 10–12
B. Tribulation before the return of Jesus
1. Matthew 24: 21–22, 29–31
2. Corruption is irreversible
C. Comfort for Christians (Luke 21: 25–28)
D. Church to complete her task—preaching the gospel (Matt. 24: 8–14)
III. Events Following The Return Of Jesus
A. Resurrection and judgment of true Christians
1. The rapture (1 Thess. 4: 15–17)
2. Judgment of Christians (2 Cor. 5: 10)
B. Overthrow of antichrist and his forces (Rev. 19: 19–21)
C. Satan bound for 1,000 years (Rev. 20: 1–3)
D. Salvation and restoration of Israel (Rom. 11: 25–26)
E. Judgment of the Gentile nations, at the beginning of the millennium, based on their
treatment of the Jewish people
1. Joel 3: 1–2
2. Matt. 25: 31–46
F. Establishment of Christ’s millennial kingdom
1. Isaiah 24: 19–23
2. Revelation 20: 4
G. Satan briefly released at the end of the millennium (Rev. 20: 7–10)
H. Final rebellion of nations (Rev. 20: 8–9)
I. Present heaven and earth pass away
1. 2 Peter 3: 7–13
2. Revelation 21: 1
J. Resurrection and judgment of all remaining dead (Rev. 20: 12–15)
K. A new heaven and earth
1. 2 Peter 3: 13
2. Revelation 21: 1
L. Jesus hands over kingdom to the Father (1 Cor. 15: 22–28)
SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries?
GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World
WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages
CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis
EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached
Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times
RUSSIA Outreach
MIDDLE EAST: Equipping Local Pastors
EAST AFRICA: Reaching the Unreached
SOUTH EAST ASIA: Asia Outreach
Videos in this Series:
1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment
Derek Prince Sermons: Resurrection of the Body - This is an original...
Derek Prince Sermons: Resurrection of the Body - This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince walks you step by step through ...this essential foundational building process.
Bible Teaching Resources:
00:00 Introduction & proclamation
01:55 What happens after death?
10:26 What happened when Jesus went to hades?
15:30 Since the resurrection, our souls have a different destiny
19:42 The resurrection of Jesus is the guarantee of our resurrection
26:41 What will our resurrected bodies be like?
37:33 Was Jesus death and resurrection predicted?
48:33 Eyewitnesses at the resurrection of Jesus
50:13 Paul didn’t take his salvation for granted.
01:00:27 Are you ready to meet the Lord?
01:08:14 Altar's call
Table of Contents:
I. Introduction (Heb. 6: 2)
A. Resurrection: “To stand up again”
B. Human personality consists of: (1 Thess. 5: 23)
1. Body
2. Soul
3. Spirit
4. The body dies and is resurrected; spirit and soul continue to exist
C. Departed soul/spirit in Sheol/Hades (Luke 16: 22–26)
1. Persistence of personality—no loss of identity
2. Recognition of persons
3. Recollection of life on earth
4. Consciousness of present conditions
5. A complete separation between righteous and unrighteous
D. Before Jesus’ death:
1. All souls passed into Hades (Greek)—Sheol (Hebrew)
a. The unseen world
b. The place of departed souls
2. Two separate areas for righteous and unrighteous—the righteous in Abraham’s
E. At Jesus’ death:
1. Jesus’ spirit was committed to the Father (Luke 23: 46)
2. Jesus’ soul descended into Sheol/Hades (Acts 2: 31; 1 Peter 3: 18–19)
3. Jesus’ body was laid in the tomb (John 19: 40–42)
F. At Jesus’ resurrection—spirit and soul reunited with body
G. After death and resurrection of Jesus, destiny of righteous believers changes
1. Spirits of believers ascend directly to God
a. Stephen (Acts 7: 59)
b. Paul (Phil. 1: 23–24)
2. Jesus’ death and resurrection affected the whole universe
3. He released the righteous from Hades
II. Jesus’ Resurrection Guarantees Ours
A. Resurrection compared to a birth (Col. 1: 18)
1. Jesus the first-born of the dead
2. Jesus is the head
3. The body is the church (all true believers)
4. When the head is born, the body will follow
B. His resurrection body is a pattern for ours (Phil. 3: 20–21)
1. Our body of humiliation will become glorious
2. Changed to the likeness of His body
3. Everyone who has this hope purifies himself (1 John 3: 2)
C. His resurrection body not limited by space or time
D. Pattern of seed: continuity plus change (1 Cor. 15: 35–38)
1. Our body at death is planted like a seed
2. Continuity: You get what you plant
3. Change: The result is much different from the actual seed, i.e.: If you plant an apple
seed, you get an apple tree but the result, the tree, is much different from the seed
4. Jesus identified His body as the same body that was crucified (Luke 24: 38–39; John 20: 20)
E. Five specific changes in our resurrection bodies: (1 Cor. 15: 42–44, 52–53)
1. Corruptible – Incorruptible
(subject to decay)
2. Mortal – Immortality
(subject to death)
3. Dishonor – Glory
4. Weakness – Power
5. Natural – Spiritual (as opposed to soulish)
F. Attestation of Jesus’ resurrection
1. Everything depends on this fact (1 Cor. 15: 14)
2. Primarily Old Testament Scriptures
a. The prophets’ messages were for us, not them (1 Pet. 1: 10–12)
b. Psalm 16: 9–11
c. Psalm 7: 20–21
d. Hosea 6: 1–2; Eph. 2: 4–6
3. Secondarily, human witnesses
III. Importance Of Resurrection
A. God’s vindication of Jesus (Rom. 1: 3–4)
B. The basis for our justification
1. Romans 4: 25
2. Romans 10: 9–10
C. The guarantee of Christ’s power to save (Heb. 7: 25)
D. The completion of our redemption
1. Our resurrection body is the completion of our salvation (Phil. 3: 10–12)
2. Romans 8: 23
E. The consummation of union (1 Thess. 4: 17)
F. The resurrection in three phases: (1 Cor. 15: 22–24)
1. Christ the firstfruits (Lev. 23: 10–11; Matt. 27: 51–53)
2. Those who are Christ’s at His coming
a. 1 Thessalonians 4: 16–17
b. Revelation 20: 4
c. (End of first resurrection—Rev. 20: 5)
3. Final general resurrection (Rev. 20: 12–13)
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GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World
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Bible Teaching Resources:
00:00 Introduction & proclamation
01:55 What happens after death?
10:26 What happened when Jesus went to hades?
15:30 Since the resurrection, our souls have a different destiny
19:42 The resurrection of Jesus is the guarantee of our resurrection
26:41 What will our resurrected bodies be like?
37:33 Was Jesus death and resurrection predicted?
48:33 Eyewitnesses at the resurrection of Jesus
50:13 Paul didn’t take his salvation for granted.
01:00:27 Are you ready to meet the Lord?
01:08:14 Altar's call
Table of Contents:
I. Introduction (Heb. 6: 2)
A. Resurrection: “To stand up again”
B. Human personality consists of: (1 Thess. 5: 23)
1. Body
2. Soul
3. Spirit
4. The body dies and is resurrected; spirit and soul continue to exist
C. Departed soul/spirit in Sheol/Hades (Luke 16: 22–26)
1. Persistence of personality—no loss of identity
2. Recognition of persons
3. Recollection of life on earth
4. Consciousness of present conditions
5. A complete separation between righteous and unrighteous
D. Before Jesus’ death:
1. All souls passed into Hades (Greek)—Sheol (Hebrew)
a. The unseen world
b. The place of departed souls
2. Two separate areas for righteous and unrighteous—the righteous in Abraham’s
E. At Jesus’ death:
1. Jesus’ spirit was committed to the Father (Luke 23: 46)
2. Jesus’ soul descended into Sheol/Hades (Acts 2: 31; 1 Peter 3: 18–19)
3. Jesus’ body was laid in the tomb (John 19: 40–42)
F. At Jesus’ resurrection—spirit and soul reunited with body
G. After death and resurrection of Jesus, destiny of righteous believers changes
1. Spirits of believers ascend directly to God
a. Stephen (Acts 7: 59)
b. Paul (Phil. 1: 23–24)
2. Jesus’ death and resurrection affected the whole universe
3. He released the righteous from Hades
II. Jesus’ Resurrection Guarantees Ours
A. Resurrection compared to a birth (Col. 1: 18)
1. Jesus the first-born of the dead
2. Jesus is the head
3. The body is the church (all true believers)
4. When the head is born, the body will follow
B. His resurrection body is a pattern for ours (Phil. 3: 20–21)
1. Our body of humiliation will become glorious
2. Changed to the likeness of His body
3. Everyone who has this hope purifies himself (1 John 3: 2)
C. His resurrection body not limited by space or time
D. Pattern of seed: continuity plus change (1 Cor. 15: 35–38)
1. Our body at death is planted like a seed
2. Continuity: You get what you plant
3. Change: The result is much different from the actual seed, i.e.: If you plant an apple
seed, you get an apple tree but the result, the tree, is much different from the seed
4. Jesus identified His body as the same body that was crucified (Luke 24: 38–39; John 20: 20)
E. Five specific changes in our resurrection bodies: (1 Cor. 15: 42–44, 52–53)
1. Corruptible – Incorruptible
(subject to decay)
2. Mortal – Immortality
(subject to death)
3. Dishonor – Glory
4. Weakness – Power
5. Natural – Spiritual (as opposed to soulish)
F. Attestation of Jesus’ resurrection
1. Everything depends on this fact (1 Cor. 15: 14)
2. Primarily Old Testament Scriptures
a. The prophets’ messages were for us, not them (1 Pet. 1: 10–12)
b. Psalm 16: 9–11
c. Psalm 7: 20–21
d. Hosea 6: 1–2; Eph. 2: 4–6
3. Secondarily, human witnesses
III. Importance Of Resurrection
A. God’s vindication of Jesus (Rom. 1: 3–4)
B. The basis for our justification
1. Romans 4: 25
2. Romans 10: 9–10
C. The guarantee of Christ’s power to save (Heb. 7: 25)
D. The completion of our redemption
1. Our resurrection body is the completion of our salvation (Phil. 3: 10–12)
2. Romans 8: 23
E. The consummation of union (1 Thess. 4: 17)
F. The resurrection in three phases: (1 Cor. 15: 22–24)
1. Christ the firstfruits (Lev. 23: 10–11; Matt. 27: 51–53)
2. Those who are Christ’s at His coming
a. 1 Thessalonians 4: 16–17
b. Revelation 20: 4
c. (End of first resurrection—Rev. 20: 5)
3. Final general resurrection (Rev. 20: 12–13)
SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries?
GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World
WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages
Derek Prince Sermons: Final Judgment - This is an original Bible Study,...
Derek Prince Sermons: Final Judgment - This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince.
In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince walks you step by step through this essential foundational ...building process.
Bible Teaching Resources:
00:00 Two types of judgment
08:17 Five principles of God's judgment
19:28 The judgment seat of Christ
28:26 Only one acceptable motive to serve God
35:50 Jesus is also judge
45:08 Serving God
54:50 God's dealing with Israel
58:47 The judgment of the nations
01:01:48 The great white throne judgment
Table of Contents:
I. Eternal Judgment (Heb. 6: 2; Heb. 9: 27)
A. Two kinds of judgment:
1. In history: Punishment or blessing on succeeding generations
a. Idolatry (Exodus 20: 4–6)
b. Iniquity (Jer. 32: 18)
c. Righteousness (Ps. 103: 17–18)
2. In eternity: Each individual answers for his own life (Ezek. 18: 1–4, 20)
B. Five principles of God’s judgment: (Rom. 2: 1–16)
1. According to truth (v. 1–2)
2. According to deeds (v. 6)
a. 1 Peter 1: 17
b. Recorded in “books” (Rev. 20: 2)
3. No respect of persons—16 times in the Bible (v. 11)
4. According to measure of light (v. 12) [compare Matt. 11: 20–24]
5. Includes secret thoughts and motives (v. 16)
II. Successive Scenes Of Judgment
A. Before the judgment seat of Christ: Christians only
1. 1 Peter 1: 17, 4: 17
2. Romans 14: 10–12
3. 2 Corinthians 5: 10
B. Five main features of Christian judgment:
1. Individual—each one will answer
2. Things done in the body
3. Only two categories: good or bad—no neutrality
4. Not for condemnation
a. John 3: 18
b. John 5: 24
c. Romans 8: 1
5. For assessment of service (1 Cor 3: 11–15)
a. Tested by fire
b. Not quantity; quality
C. Three requirements to stand the fire
1. Motive: For God’s glory (1 Cor. 10: 31)
2. Obedience: According to God’s Word (Matt. 7: 21–27)
3. Power: The Holy Spirit (Rom. 15: 18–19)
D. Patterns of judgment:
1. Parable of the Talents (Matt. 25: 14–30)
Parable of the Pounds/Minas (Luke 19: 11–27)
2. Three applications:
a. Not to use is to lose (Luke 19: 26)
b. Not to do good when you can is sin (James 4: 17)
c. All who did nothing were totally rejected (Matt. ch. 25)
E. During the Great Tribulation: Israel
1. God blesses Israel direct but the Gentiles through the Jews
2. God judges the Gentiles direct but the Jews through the Gentiles
3. Jeremiah 30 :3–7
4. Ezekiel 20: 33–38
F. Before Christ’s millennial throne: Gentile nations (Matt. 25: 31–46)
According to how they treated the brothers of Jesus (Jews):
1. Either admitted into the kingdom (Matt. 25: 34)
2. Or condemned to everlasting punishment (Matt. 25: 41, 46)
G. Before the Great White Throne: all remaining dead (Rev. 20: 11–15)
1. Every life recorded in a book (v. 12)
2. Mercy for those enrolled in Book of Life (v. 12, 15)
3. Basis of judgment
a. Romans 2: 6–10
b. Matt. 12: 41–42
H. Personal application: 1 Cor. 11: 31–32
SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries?
GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World
WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages
CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis
EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached
Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times
RUSSIA Outreach
MIDDLE EAST: Equipping Local Pastors
EAST AFRICA: Reaching the Unreached
SOUTH EAST ASIA: Asia Outreach
Videos in this Series:
1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment
In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince walks you step by step through this essential foundational ...building process.
Bible Teaching Resources:
00:00 Two types of judgment
08:17 Five principles of God's judgment
19:28 The judgment seat of Christ
28:26 Only one acceptable motive to serve God
35:50 Jesus is also judge
45:08 Serving God
54:50 God's dealing with Israel
58:47 The judgment of the nations
01:01:48 The great white throne judgment
Table of Contents:
I. Eternal Judgment (Heb. 6: 2; Heb. 9: 27)
A. Two kinds of judgment:
1. In history: Punishment or blessing on succeeding generations
a. Idolatry (Exodus 20: 4–6)
b. Iniquity (Jer. 32: 18)
c. Righteousness (Ps. 103: 17–18)
2. In eternity: Each individual answers for his own life (Ezek. 18: 1–4, 20)
B. Five principles of God’s judgment: (Rom. 2: 1–16)
1. According to truth (v. 1–2)
2. According to deeds (v. 6)
a. 1 Peter 1: 17
b. Recorded in “books” (Rev. 20: 2)
3. No respect of persons—16 times in the Bible (v. 11)
4. According to measure of light (v. 12) [compare Matt. 11: 20–24]
5. Includes secret thoughts and motives (v. 16)
II. Successive Scenes Of Judgment
A. Before the judgment seat of Christ: Christians only
1. 1 Peter 1: 17, 4: 17
2. Romans 14: 10–12
3. 2 Corinthians 5: 10
B. Five main features of Christian judgment:
1. Individual—each one will answer
2. Things done in the body
3. Only two categories: good or bad—no neutrality
4. Not for condemnation
a. John 3: 18
b. John 5: 24
c. Romans 8: 1
5. For assessment of service (1 Cor 3: 11–15)
a. Tested by fire
b. Not quantity; quality
C. Three requirements to stand the fire
1. Motive: For God’s glory (1 Cor. 10: 31)
2. Obedience: According to God’s Word (Matt. 7: 21–27)
3. Power: The Holy Spirit (Rom. 15: 18–19)
D. Patterns of judgment:
1. Parable of the Talents (Matt. 25: 14–30)
Parable of the Pounds/Minas (Luke 19: 11–27)
2. Three applications:
a. Not to use is to lose (Luke 19: 26)
b. Not to do good when you can is sin (James 4: 17)
c. All who did nothing were totally rejected (Matt. ch. 25)
E. During the Great Tribulation: Israel
1. God blesses Israel direct but the Gentiles through the Jews
2. God judges the Gentiles direct but the Jews through the Gentiles
3. Jeremiah 30 :3–7
4. Ezekiel 20: 33–38
F. Before Christ’s millennial throne: Gentile nations (Matt. 25: 31–46)
According to how they treated the brothers of Jesus (Jews):
1. Either admitted into the kingdom (Matt. 25: 34)
2. Or condemned to everlasting punishment (Matt. 25: 41, 46)
G. Before the Great White Throne: all remaining dead (Rev. 20: 11–15)
1. Every life recorded in a book (v. 12)
2. Mercy for those enrolled in Book of Life (v. 12, 15)
3. Basis of judgment
a. Romans 2: 6–10
b. Matt. 12: 41–42
H. Personal application: 1 Cor. 11: 31–32
SUPPORT - Have you been Blessed by Derek Prince Ministries?
GLOBAL OUTREACH - Combating Spiritual Hunger Around the World
WATCH MORE - Derek Prince Messages
CHINA: Opportunity in the midst of the Crisis
EASTERN EUROPE: The Poor are Feed, The Gospel is Preached
Helping INDIA Stand Strong in Difficult Times
RUSSIA Outreach
MIDDLE EAST: Equipping Local Pastors
EAST AFRICA: Reaching the Unreached
SOUTH EAST ASIA: Asia Outreach
Videos in this Series:
1. Founded on the Rock
2. Authority and Power of God's Word
3. Through Repentance to Faith
4. Faith and Works
5. Immersion in Water
6. Immersion in the Spirit
7. Transmitting God's Power
8. At the End of Time
9. Resurrection of the Body
10. Final Judgment